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EFCL Friends & Neighbours Comms Submission
EFCL Friends & Neighbours Newsletter Item Submission Form
Hello EFCL Friends & Neighbours! Your organization is entitled to 1 newsletter submission or social media post per year. Fill out this form to give our Communications Team the details. We require 3 weeks lead time.
This campaign request is a:
Newsletter Entry (goes out to all Community League board members)
Social Media Post
Organization Name
Contact Person's Name
What is your campaign promoting?
Text we can use for promoting this campaign
Note, we may edit the text due to space limits. But we appreciate having a starting point.
Community Leagues share campaigns that enhance engagement and support community initiatives. With this in mind, what unique benefits will your campaign offer Community Leagues?
What date or timeline is your event, campaign, etc.?
Link to graphics for your campaign
Link to web page for your campaign (if applicable)
Link to your Logo
Link to PDF or other document for your campaign (if applicable)
The EFCL Communications Team will reach out and confirm the date that your campaign will appear.
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