The positive affect of community leagues
Just how much of an impact on Edmontonians and Edmonton did community leagues and its members make in the mid-1990s? By 1996, leagues had built and were managing $64,589,000 in assets – 126 halls, 135 outdoor rinks and 280 playgrounds. Numbers for that year showed the EFCL and its leagues also spent roughly $15 million to operate their programs and services.
In 1998, it was reported that there were 1,700 volunteers serving on community league boards, and roughly 30,000 residents had volunteered their time to help out at events, lead programs and provide other services to their leagues during the operating year. Today, these numbers are even greater, with more assets, more programs and overall – more need for what leagues can provide.
The EFCL and community leagues play an important role in the growth of our city. Members work in partnership with the city on many of the planning needs of today. Some of the bigger issues include developing fair and reasonable regulations for infill development and the Mature Neighbourhood Overlay which affect many leagues; forming a stakeholder committee to guide construction best practices; providing critical input into redevelopment and creation of parks and open spaces within the city.