Affordable housing is an important ingredient to cultivating balanced, welcoming communities for all Edmontonians.

There is a shortage of housing in our communities able to meet the needs of all residents—a basic human need.

  • Approximately 41% of Edmonton renter households live in unaffordable housing—meaning they spend more than 30% of their income on housing costs
  • 2000 Edmontonians currently experience homelessness, including more than 200 children
  • On any given night, 500 Edmontonians sleep outside
SOURCE: City of Edmonton Housing


Make Space for Everyone

Ensuring there are safe, stable ways for everyone to build a life in Edmonton is essential to fostering our economy, resilience and vibrancy.

Affordable housing empowers many Edmontonians, including low-wage workers, seniors and single-income families, to make a home here and contribute to the city.

By welcoming affordable housing into our neighbourhoods, we’re collectively:

  • supporting families and individuals experiencing housing insecurity and homelessness
  • offering safety and stability to individuals and communities in every area of the city
  • championing the health and safety of our neighbours, ensuring buildings follow public health guidelines


Change can be Hard

When any development is proposed in a neighbourhood, this change can seem scary at first.

The idea of altering familiar elements of a local place can cause established residents to be fearful of what’s to come—the fear of the unknown.

The EFCL encourages existing community members to reflect on this fear and to truly recognize the energy, talent and skills new neighbours will bring with them when they move in. We truly believe there is great potential for bolstering community and capacity with new residents, regardless of the type of housing they live in.


Stay Solution-focused

We ask hesitant residents to help identify potential solutions and opportunities that may strengthen the development project.

EFCL encourages community members to engage in any offered engagement processes, to actively contribute to ensure quality design and integration into the neighbourhood. Everyone’s participation will build community, grow local skills and deepen relationships with existing and new neighbours.


Resources to assist with these affordable housing conversations:


Let us work together to build towards welcoming, inclusive communities where we ALL want to live and are proud to call home.