EFCL Community Amenities Project

Supporting League Rentals

In Summer/Fall 2021, we had funding for 2 temporary staff members to visit Community Leagues with halls, to measure and photograph their halls. We call this project the “Community Amenities Project” and the purpose was to promote League hall rentals. Hall layouts were created in AutoCAD, and select photos and layouts were added to the EFCL website in the Community Hall Search and Facilities Search. A “Book Now” button was added that links to their League’s rental page. Leagues got a copy of these items.

If your League missed out, or doesn’t have a hall but has amenities that you rent, please submit your high quality photos below.  Contact us if you have questions.

Submit your League photos and link

Does your League rent to the public, or League members only?(Required)
Do you give us permission to add these photos and link to the EFCL website?(Required)
Note, we will link the "Book Now" button to the website link, unless you give us a rental email address here instead.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, tiff, Max. file size: 20 MB, Max. files: 8.
    Note: please only submit high-quality photos that do not require photoshopping. We prefer horizontal orientation of images (instead of vertical, like from a cell phone vertically oriented).
    E.g. Let us know the names of your spaces in the photos you submitted (e.g. hall, kitchen, lounge, rink, tennis courts, etc.). Or anything else we need to know. We always appreciate extra notes, and we'll add that info to our internal database.