Insurance Working Group
The EFCL Board has decided to go to market for a broker to the Community League Insurance Program. This group is focused on creating a Request for Proposals and process to assist the EFCL Board in choosing an insurance broker.
We are looking for six Community League board members from a variety of Leagues and insurance experiences including Leagues with a hall and without a hall, Leagues that have filed major claims over $50,000 and Leagues that have filed small claims under $10,000.
Recreation Development Working Group
Sports and Leagues have gone hand in hand for decades- and that relationship has evolved throughout that time. The 2021 Tripartite Agreement broadened the definition of recreation and this group has been established to advise the EFCL board to identify and develop new recreational opportunities for Community Leagues.
We are looking for five members of Community League boards from a variety of Leagues across the City.
Membership Engagement Working Group
The EFCL Board has heard League concerns about growing membership and turning those members into committed volunteers. This group will lend their knowledge and experience to help enable the EFCL to support Leagues in increasing membership and engaging and mobilizing those members to volunteer for the League.
We are looking for three Community League board members from a variety of Community Leagues across the City.
Community Planning and Sustainability Working Group
Advise the EFCL board on the coordination and representation of Community Leagues in relation to urban planning and sustainability matters.
Community Leagues are local democratic institutions with a long history of working to improve well-being at the local level. Building on this history, the EFCL has created a working group that focuses on urban planning and leadership on climate action. Members of this Working Group will play an important role in shaping the EFCL’s involvement in and response to critical planning and environmental matters across Edmonton.
We are looking for 5-7 Working Group members with a specific focus on north Edmonton districts, though opportunities for members at large are also present.