I will commit to maintaining the Community League Operating Grant. It is critical that the City continues to fund and support Community Leagues in the delivery of community infrastructure and services across Edmonton. Community Leagues are critical partners to ensuring Edmontonians access the services they need to live, play, and thrive now but also in the decades to come. There needs to be a recommitment to Community Leagues and the role they play in our communities. However, I am deeply concerned by the Province of Alberta’s decision to cut the Community Facility Enhancement Program and other grants and funding opportunities that Community Leagues require to maintain and enhance community infrastructure. As Mayor, I would advocate for and with the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues to ensure that Community Leagues are able to access consistent funding sources from the Province to address their community infrastructure and programming needs. We need to work together to address these funding gaps to ensure that Community Leagues can continue to serve communities in Edmonton for another 100 years and beyond.