Community League Legacy
What does your Community League and your neighbourhood mean to you? Do you or someone else in your neighbourhood know the history of your Community League? These are all important stories to tell, to share and to be proud of.
Preserving the community league history is a very important part of this project.
The following video was inspired by the initial 100th anniversary project concept visioning back in 2013 and delves into the history of the Community League movement in Edmonton.
Community Leagues are an important part of Edmonton’s history
The EFCL encourages leagues to start gathering their historical pictures, stories and memorabilia. The City of Edmonton Archives will assist leagues to sort and store, so your community league history is captured, safe and accessible to all the individuals or organizations who want to learn and be inspired by your humble and remarkable past!
Several Community Leagues have already donated and EFCL will be working with the archive to access special league memories in anticipation of the 100 year celebrations to come.