Now that you have begun monitoring your energy use, it’s time to lower your consumption. One of the most low-cost upgrades with the fastest payback is LED lighting. Go through your hall and check what type of lighting is used in each fixture. For incandescent or CFL bulbs, simply purchase the equivalent LED bulbs and replace them. This can be done by a volunteer.

Fluorescent tube lighting may be trickier, as it can involve replacing the fixture itself. It is recommended that you hire a registered electrician to perform this task. See our Community League Recommended Contractors List for electricians recommended by other Community Leagues.

Adding motion sensors in hallways and bathrooms is a foolproof way to lower your electricity usage. These can be installed at the lightswitch or wired into the roof. Again, hire a registered electrician to perform this step.

It might be a good idea to address your outdoor lighting as well, as rink and parking lot lights consume a lot of electricity. Again, hire a registered electrician to replace outdoor lights with modern LEDs.