Green Leagues Growing Projects

Seed Sharing Pilot

UPDATE – The Seed Sharing Pilot was a huge success and kits are no longer available for 2024.  However, you can request a gardening presentation for your League and pre-order a Seed Sharing kit for 2025.

In the summer of 2023, the Seed Library located at the Stanley A. Milner Library in downtown Edmonton was shut down due to its overwhelming success.

There was clearly a need for sharing seeds, and EFCL Green Leagues is working on a new program to help facilitate seed sharing throughout Edmonton’s communities. To take part, fill out the form below.

Photo by S. Rae on Flikr

Plant a “Thousand Year” LongTree

The EFCL has teamed up with and the LongTree Society to create this opportunity for communities to plant a special tree. These trees represent our shared hope for a brighter and greener future for generations to come, and act as reminders to strive for a better future in which human activities are more in balance with natural systems.

Bristlecone Pine (Pinus aristata) and Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) have the potential to live for more than 1000 years. These slow-growing trees are first planted in a community-made tree nursery before being relocated to their long-term home. Green Leagues and the LongTree Society will support Leagues who wish to plant a Thousand Year Tree or host a small LongTree nursery.