2019 Bee Hotel Contest

Partnered with  Edmonton and Area Land Trust, the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues is happy to launch a contest where Community Leagues have a chance to win a bee hotel for their league. There are 5 small bee hotels up for grabs as well as a large bee hotel as a grand prize!

Community Leagues can enter the contest by sharing information about solitary bees and bee hotels to their community. Clicking on each option will open a Google Drive Link with the content developed for the contest.

Share the Buzz on Bees Write Up in your Community League Newsletter / Email = 5 entries

Share Solitary Bees Post on Social Media = 1 entry per social media platform

Share Bee Hotel Post on Social Media = 1 entry per social media platform

Share Pollinator Friendly Post on Social Media = 1 entry per social media platform

Put up the Bee Info Poster in the Community League Hall =  5 entries

Have your own idea? Each unique Communication Strategies = 1 Entry

How to Enter

Community Leagues must submit proof (web links, photos, etc.) of each communications method in order to be entered into the contest.

This can be done, by tagging Green Leagues in your Facebook or Twitter posts, email us at GreenLeagues@efcl.org or submitting a Google form here.

Good luck!