Urban Pole Rentals
Find Fitness, Friends, and Fun! Walking is an activity appropriate for individuals of all ages and most physical fitness levels. One of the best motivators for regular walking is to walk with a group, which makes it a great community program that has the potential to foster holistic community wellness.
The EFCL offers urban pole rentals for community leagues and their individual members. Renting poles are a great way to pilot a walking program in your community. Both the fitness and activator poles are available for rent.
Note: Our rental program is open only to non-profit organizations. If you would like to rent poles as an individual, please contact your Community League or other non-profit to rent them on your behalf. We would like to encourage folks to create neighbourhood walking programs in partnership with their Community League. Find your League here.

We are only accepting online pre-bookings at this time. Please email League Support at leaguesupport@efcl.org if you have questions.
League Walking Program Manual and Resource Guide

Walking is one of the most common types of physical activity people engage in because it is affordable, convenient and low risk. The manual and resource guide was developed by the EFCL to improve and sustain the Community League Walking Program. It can be used by community league members who want to start a walking program in their community or a current walking ambassador who requires additional program support. The information in the guide can be applied to both regular and urban pole walking programs.
Enjoy the social side of walking!
Benefits of a community walking program include:
- Improving your physical and psychological health
- Getting to know others in your neighbourhood
- Familiarizing yourself with the resources and amenities of your community
- Appreciating vitamin ‘N’ature
- Reducing crime by residents being visible on the street
In 2016, the EFCL received a Recreation and Physical Activity Project Grant from Alberta Culture and Tourism to promote walking programs in community leagues. Through this grant, the EFCL supported 20 Community Leagues in launching urban poling sessions – a walking workout with poles.
The EFCL continues to build leadership and capacity in Community League members interested in starting or improving a walking program in their neighbourhood.

For more information about this program, please contact League Support leaguesupport@efcl.org.

Don’t see your league listed? Start your own walking group!
Community Leagues Who Have Hosted Walking Programs
Aspen Gardens CL
Alberta Avenue CL
Beacon Heights CL
Blue Quill CL
Brookview CL
Laurier Heights CL
Mayfield CL
Newton CL
Oliver CL
Wedgewood CL
Pleasantview CL
Strathcona CL
Spruce Ave CL
Delwood CL
Forest Heights CL
Foulton Place CL
Dovercourt CL
Windsor Park CL
Thank you to the Edmonton Sport Council and Urban Poling for assisting with the revitalization of the Community League Walking Program.