The EFCL’s “So Nice They Made the Ice”
Rink Sign Contest

Help spread the word about Community League rinks and you could win a neighbourhood party courtesy of the EFCL!

Community League outdoor rinks and skating areas aren’t just some of our best-loved amenities — they’re a quintessential part of the Edmonton winter experience. But too often, people are unaware that it’s the hard work and dedication of Community League volunteers and staff that make their icy fun possible.

Now is our chance to change that while getting the word out about the valuable work Community Leagues do in our community. Come together with your League to create a sign letting all rink patrons know who they have to thank for their skating experience, and we’ll not only share your work across the city, you might even win a party at your rink courtesy of the EFCL.

Full details below. Send any questions or ideas you might have to

And the winner is…

Dovercourt Community League!

Contest Details

Create a sign for your community rink that lets people know who makes and maintains the ice they love to use all winter long. Signs can be any size or style, but must be placed somewhere on the rink boards.

  • If you’re interested in participating, notify us at or via the form on this page.
  • Participating Community Leagues have until 5pm on February 29, 2024 to submit pictures of their sign to Leagues must include at least three pictures of the sign from unique angles and distances, and include the names of volunteers who worked on planning, design and/or creation of the sign.
  • Signs will be judged by a guest panel, including CBC’s Mark Connolly, on March 1, 2024, with the winner notified and announced that day.
  • The winning submission will receive a neighbourhood party at your rink courtesy of the EFCL on the afternoon of March 9, 2024.

Sign Parameters

These information sessions were available to help Leagues claim their instance or ask questions. Video recordings of these sessions are available in the link below.

  • Signs can use any material or method, including printed signs, painting directly onto the rink boards, or signs painted onto another medium and attached to the rink boards.
  • Signs must be on the inside of the rink boards.
  • Signs must include the name of the Community League and a message noting that the rink is maintained/supported by/cared for/etc by the Community League. (For example: “This rink is lovingly maintained by the volunteers and staff of XXXX Community League”; “This rink is made possible by the hard work and dedication of the XXXX Community League”; etc)
  • In addition to words, signs can depict any images or scenes the League chooses, with the exception of copyrighted or licensed characters.
    Leagues are strongly encouraged to document the process on social media.
  • Leagues are strongly encouraged to document the process on social media.

Register for the Contest

The contest is now over.  Stay tuned for the next round in the fall!