What is the EFCL?
The Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (EFCL) is an umbrella group supporting the City of Edmonton’s Community Leagues since 1921.
Like Community Leagues themselves, the EFCL is incorporated as a not-for-profit organization under the Societies Act.
Who makes up the EFCL?
All Community Leagues are members of the EFCL and are brought together for 2 general meetings per year:
- Annual general meeting ( May or June)
- Winter general meeting ( November or December )
- Special meetings, as required
Each league is eligible to vote on a wide range of matters that set the direction for the EFCL.
EFCL is governed by a 12-member volunteer board
The EFCL board is made up of a representative from each of the 12 Districts in the city. Every district elects a volunteer to represent them.
Each Community League is independent & self-governing
The EFCL works to support these organizations rather than direct them.
The EFCL is non-partisan. It does not support or endorse any particular political party or candidate, nor is it affiliated with any religion.
Vibrant Community Leagues, vibrant city
We engage, develop, and empower Community Leagues in building healthy, vibrant, and inclusive neighbourhoods in our city. We are a champion, connector, convener and capacity-builder for the Community League movement in Edmonton.
Our Priorities
Outreach & Engagement
We strive to increase participation of members and volunteers in Leagues from a diverse group of Edmontonians, including those experiencing barriers to equity, in Community League programs.
Community Connections
We endeavour to increase community collaboration to address the factors that contribute to vulnerability, such as social isolation, poverty, and inadequate housing.
Organizational Resiliency
We work to ensure Leagues have the skills, resources and processes necessary to be well governed and operationally effective and sustainable.
Find out more about the EFCL’s goals and priorities by reading our 2025 – 2029 Strategic Plan.