Planning and Development

The EFCL is committed to engaging with and equipping Leagues to build capacity and create partnerships for change in our communities. We believe advocacy, resources and direct support allow community leaders to build and sustain strong connections with residents.

Through collaboration with the City of Edmonton and many other partner organizations, the EFCL has created resources, training, and information to help Leagues and community leaders advocate for their neighbourhood. Get started with these quick hits or read more about how we can help you. 

Announcements From the EFCL Board

Get Connected

In addition to our online and in-person training, and our planning resources specifically developed for your role, we believe the wisdom of practitioners across Edmonton should be shared. We have more than 100 years of collective skills, resources and experiences that are invaluable in helping each other succeed in our roles. Here are a few ways to get connected to the community of city builders across Edmonton.

Upcoming Civics-Related Events

Planning and Development Resources

The EFCL has excellent online resources. Our library contains information for Leagues that include templates, job descriptions, resource guides and other information to assist our volunteers. Here are a few key resources you should know about:

The Community Vision Field Booklet

TogetherWise – A trust based approach to consultation

Neighbourhood Street Safety Handbook

Development Permit Checklist

Jane’s Walk Resources

Resources will be uploaded to this page to provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to deal with a variety of civic topics or issues on behalf of your Community League. Our tool library seeks to provide Leagues with the ability to:

  • Engage members on civic and planning issues
  • Understand and navigate the planning and development system in Edmonton
  • Develop and shape policy that affects your community
  • Respond to development applications in your community
  • Connect to the EFCL’s Planning and Development Committee

Jonathan Lawrence
Community Planning Advisor
You know your community best and we want to make your work as effective as possible. Get in touch with our Community Planning Advisor to start the conversation.

Community Planning Advisor

The EFCL is here to walk alongside your League discovering the assets, tackling the challenges and seizing the opportunities that you will face. Our team of community organizers and subject matter experts provide support and resources to you and Edmonton’s 163 Community Leagues. Your Community Planning advisor can help you with:

  • Land use, transportation and community engagement matters in your neighbourhood
  • Facilitating league partnerships on urban-planning related projects within your district
  • Advocating, supporting, and facilitating your engagement of league members
  • Preparing or updating a community vision or strategic plan
  • Supporting league leadership in planning, development and climate action

Individual League Support

The EFCL seeks to be a hub for innovation and a leader in sustainability, planning and urban design. We are a community of practice, bringing leagues and their volunteers together to create positive change in our communities. While leagues drive, we are here to support.

To help Leagues navigate the sometimes complicated world of planning and development and to support the role of the Community League volunteers in the planning process, the EFCL Planning Advisor is available to provide guidance, advice and connections to leverage your work on a variety of urban planning related topics including:

Establishing Civics and Planning Practice in your League

Work with our advisor to identify and establish a civics director or committees.

Explore the role of leagues in urban planning, design, development, and community engagement.

Train and discover resources for newly established civics directors and/or planning committees.

Technical Consulting and Project Support

Receive support in working with City Council, Administration and Partners across the City.

Get help with interpreting or using the Zoning Bylaw, District Plans, and city wide policy.

Collaborate on review of development applications, permits, rezoning and other public or private projects.

Advocacy and Engagement

Get connected with other league leaders, peers and collaborators across the city through 1-on-1 mentorship or our civics community of practice.

Partner in the creation of a community & league vision, development or engagement plan.

Ask for support and/or consulting on league led or city led projects.

Community-Led Planning and Climate Action

Dive into topics including neighbourhood resilience, climate adaptation, decarbonization, sustainable development, and regeneration.

Partner with us in pursuing mobility improvements, transit advocacy and bike network planning.

Collaborate on district, league and block level climate action.