Come be a part of something fantastic. Opportunities to be involved are endless!
Being a part of a democratic grassroots organization whose focus is the betterment of the community is exciting, especially when that movement has been around for almost a century, and has been involved with every facet of the building of Edmonton – as a city and as a community.
While the first community leagues held bake sales and similar activities to raise funds to build a community hall or outdoor skating rink, the financial needs of the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (EFCL) were relatively small and provided by the leagues. The EFCL’s role at the time was to be the united voice at City Council on behalf of the leagues.
Today, the EFCL’s role has changed dramatically and the financial needs are much greater. Community leagues still support the EFCL through membership dues for which the EFCL provides educational and development support/materials on a number of board-related fronts. A few, but not all of the other duties of the EFCL, include promoting and marketing the community league movement through city-wide events and multimedia communication platforms, recruiting and overseeing a number of volunteer sub-committees who undertake special projects and topics, plus ensuring that its members are aware of the latest civic initiatives.
As with any not-for-profit, there is always room for more community-minded corporations, small businesses, philanthropists and individuals to get on board. There are a number of ways in which you can support the community league movement:
We love promoting our generous benefactors and volunteers in any way we can. Getting involved with the EFCL is a great way to reach out to Edmonton’s Community Leagues and their members.
If your company is interested in the EFCL and the community league movement, please contact us for more information on how you can get involved.