How does this relate to Community League Day and generating membership sales for Leagues?
EFCL2022-07-29T15:02:18-06:00We feel this draw is a tool to help elevate Read more...
The banner says ‘Play to Support Your Community’. Can you be more specific?
EFCL2023-07-28T16:30:23-06:00The proceeds of this 50-50 are going to Leagues, Read more...
How is the EFCL spending its portion of the proceeds?
EFCL2023-07-31T14:10:14-06:00There is a substantial administrative cost for the 50/50 Read more...
Do ticket sales stop once $20,000 is raised?
EFCL2023-07-28T11:58:44-06:00Yes. AGLC makes it easy to do a 50-50 up Read more...
If our CL advertises this, we’re concerned that our neighbours will expect their raffle tickets will net their League $10,000 – and then rightfully expect to hear what we’re providing with it. We wouldn’t want to have to get into social media explaining and negativity.
EFCL2023-07-28T16:39:07-06:00Fair. We hope that when advertising this, Leagues can include Read more...
What does our League need to do?
EFCL2022-07-29T10:07:07-06:00Get the word out and sell tickets. You can do Read more...
How does the 50-50 raffle work?
EFCL2023-07-31T12:14:52-06:00The draw is open to anyone in Alberta but Read more...
Why is the EFCL doing this?
EFCL2023-07-31T11:28:32-06:00We're hoping to send some Leagues some much needed Read more...
Step 6: Hire a Contractor
EFCL2022-11-04T09:42:58-06:00See our Community League Recommended Contractors List to hire contractors Read more...